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How do I use a discord region?

Scroll through the list to find the region you want to use, and then tap it. Again, you'll want to select a region that's as close as possible to you and the other people on your server. The servers used by your Discord server to route voice communications will immediately update.

How do I enable community for my Discord server?

In order to enable Community for your Discord server, you are required to have the following settings enabled in order to ensure safety in the community: Members of the server must have a verified email on their Discord account before sending messages or DMing anyone in the server.

Why do I need a discord rules channel?

There must be a clearly posted server rules channel for members. This is useful so that new members understand what is cool and not cool in your community! This is the channel where Discord will send announcements and updates relevant to Community Server admins and moderators, like new moderation features.

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